Our puppy food for small breeds is specially formulated to fit the needs of small breed dogs and accompany them throughout their development.

Made for puppies 6 weeks to 12 months of age, Oven-Baked Tradition food for puppies of small breeds contains fresh deboned chicken as a first ingredient as well as high-quality fruits and vegetables from selected farms. Thanks to our slow baking process that helps preserve flavour and the integrity of nutrients, there’s no need for the addition of artificial flavourings or preservatives. We only use ingredients of the highest quality that provide your puppy with all the essential vitamins it needs to grow and stay healthy.

Oven-Baked Tradition puppy food for small breeds does not contain wheat, corn or soy, which are three of the most common allergens. Instead, we opt for home-milled whole grains such as rye, barley, oats or brown rice. To help proper functioning of your dog’s organs, our formula also contains glucosamine, chondroitin, inulin (prebiotic) and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which promote healthy intestines, fur, and cartilage.


小型犬 3-65 磅(1.4 至 29 公斤)

小狗 = 12 个月或更短
成人 = 1 岁至 7-8 岁
高级 = 9 岁及以上

*尺寸基于您的宠物在成年阶段的平均正常体重。 *生命周期基于平均值。



所有品种 3-125 磅(1.4 至 56 公斤)

小狗 = 12 个月或更短
成人 = 1 岁至 7-8 岁
高级 = 9 岁及以上

*尺寸基于您的宠物在成年阶段的平均正常体重。 *生命周期基于平均值。



大型犬种 46-150+ 磅(57-68+ 公斤)

小狗 = 12 个月或更短
成人 = 1 岁至 7-8 岁
高级 = 9 岁及以上


*生命周期基于平均值。 应始终考虑动物的品种和大小。


所有品种 3-125 磅(1.4 至 56 公斤)

小狗 = 12 个月或更短
成人 = 1 岁至 7-8 岁
高级 = 9 岁及以上


*生命周期基于平均值。 应始终考虑动物的品种和大小。


小猫 = 12 个月或更短
成人 = 1 岁至 10 岁
老年人 = 10 岁及以上
